Artist of Masterpieces
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Meeting Muhammad Ali

In 1983, I was in Louisville, Kentucky attending a Sports Card Convention, when I received a commission to do an original Muhammed Ali painting. I never thought that this one commission would turn into a life-changing moment.

A few months later, I discovered Ali would be signing at a local sports card convention. I attended the show and approached the autograph table where he was signing.

I placed the original painting in front of the Champ and suddenly he stopped the line.

He asked me “what is this?”

I replied that, “it was a painting”

He asked what I wanted him to do with it. I asked if he would sign it.

He paused for what seemed like an eternity, studying every detail of the painting. Then he asked me, “Who did the artwork?”

I told him that I was the artist. Then he leaned over and whispered into my ear, “You are the Greatest.”

You can only imagine how that made me feel.

That was the day I decided to enter the world of Sports Art, and I’ve never looked back!

Thank You Ali,

Meeting Muhammad Ali

In 1983, I was in Louisville, KY attending a Sports Card Convention, when I received a commission to do an original Muhammed Ali painting. I never thought that this one commission would turn into a life-changing moment.

A few months later, I discovered Ali would be signing at a local sports card convention. I attended the show and approached the autograph table where he was signing.

I placed the original painting in front of the Champ and suddenly he stopped the line.

He asked me “what is this?”

I replied that, “it was a painting”

He asked what I wanted him to do with it. I asked if he would sign it.

He paused for what seemed like an eternity, studying every detail of the painting. Then he asked me, “Who did the artwork?”

I told him that I was the artist. Then he leaned over and whispered into my ear, “You are the Greatest.”

You can only imagine how that made me feel.

That was the day I decided to enter the world of Sports Art, and I’ve never looked back.

Thank You Ali,

You Can See Light In Their Eyes

Doug West is an American Sports Illustrator whose sports art has been widely celebrated for over 40 years. His art continues to excite the public’s imagination, by the way he merges realism, with vibrant color and impressionism.

Admirers of his art, cite among other things, that light can actually be seen in the eyes of the subjects he paints.

Fans of his work often describe West’s ability as; ‘capturing the soul of the people he draws,’ making a Doug West painting unique among all artists of his genre’. 

Painting Upside-Down

Doug’s dad, Ron West, used his discerning eye to critique his son’s work up until his passing in 1984, After that family tragedy, Doug needed a way to see his art with discerning eyes. That turned out to be painting upside-down.

The artist discovered that turning his canvas upside-down, offered him a fresh set of eyes and a way to view his art without prejudice.

Here, his mind was free to explore the images, but not as human faces or forms, rather as a geometric shapes and angles. These “Lines of Motion,” as Doug began calling them, form the basis of his art today.

Award Winning Art

His art has been featured on Detroit Performs, an Emmy Award winning Detroit Public Television program. Most recently, Doug unveiled his Emagine Theater Art Murals. These art murals measure a staggering 60 ft  and 80 ft. long and tower 30 ft. over the lobbies of the Emagine Theater.

Well done ‘Maestro!’ and much amends!

—Robert Takaki  

Painting Upside-Down

Doug’s dad, Ron West, used to critique his son’s work up until his passing in 1984, After that family tragedy, Doug needed a way to see his art through a fresh set of eyes.

Walking past a wet canvas, lying  on the floor of his studio one morning, Doug saw his art upside-down.

Seeing his art this way offered him that new perspective he was looking for.

Human faces and forms- became geometric shapes and “lines of motion”.

Locally he began being referred to as ‘the upside-down’ artist-

Until- ‘The West Way’ became known nationally, through interviews and personal appearances.

It is the way he continues to paint a today. 

You Can See Light In Their Eyes

His art has been featured on Detroit Performs, an Emmy Award winning Detroit Public Television program.

Most recently, Doug unveiled his fantastic Emagine Theater Art Murals Masterpieces at 3 of the theaters.

These massive art murals hang over the lobbies of Emagine Theater. Emagine is one of the largest theater chains in North America.


"I wish I could do with words, what Doug West does with his paint brush." —Rick Reilly
"I wish I could do with words, what Doug West does with his paint brush." —Rick Reilly

Sports Illustrated / ESPN SportsCenter/ ABC Sports